Tuesday, 15 July 2014


Growing up I always thought that I would stay the same body size and shape. Little did I know that after motherhood reality would hit and my body would experience a dramatic change.
My daughter was born 4 years ago and my partner has never criticized my body but appreciated how I looked.  As years passed I started to feel uncomfortable with how my body was looking.  I went onto the Internet to find the fastest and easiest ways to lose weight but nothing worked; from diet pills to homemade remedies I tried anything and everything to avoid the root of going to the gym.
Many women across the world are faced with challenges but the most common challenge amongst women is weight loss.  There are so many remedies that the Internet has provided that I myself have browsed and tried with no success.
After some time I saw that there was no easy way out from shedding off the pregnancy weight.
Three months ago I decided to join the gym. This was not my first attempt at going to the gym but one thing I know had changed was my attitude towards it. I was determined and motivated that I would reach my goal even if it meant having painful muscles after a session.   I went to my nearest Virgin Active and signed up.
We all set goal at how much weight one would like to lose but I had one goal in mind. I was determined that by the time summer came I would be comfortable enough to wear a two piece swimsuit. That was my ultimate goal.
The first month I attended the classes that the gym offered but I saw no change. I still weighed the same.  This made me wonder what I was doing wrong. After some time I saw a guy who was a Personal Trainer at the gym. I decided to go find out what was his job exactly. He then explained to me what role does a Personal Trainer play. Only then did I understand that if I wanted to reach my goal by Summer time I had to make sacrifices and be more determined.
Three months ago I weighed 75kg. I am a young mother who enjoys clothes and shopping but due to this weight I was not enjoying going to the mall because trying on those clothes reminded me of how big I was.
It is July now and I pleased to say I have lost 8kg since I decided to change my life around.
To all women who are struggling with weight problems PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP!
I did not go and buy fancy expensive foods that I knew that I would not be able to afford but I took what I had in the house and worked around it.
I have not reached my goal but I am seeing a big difference since I got a Personal Trainer to guide me through my journey.
My Personal Trainer recommended I go buy Biogen Whey Protein the shake and body toner pills. Biogen converts your fat into muscles that while you are working out at the gym the process is much faster.

GYM: I go to gym 5 times a week for one hour. Trust me when I say that hour in the gym makes a difference. If you go to the gym and walk out with no sore muscles you are not pushing yourself hard enough. 
FOOD: I have three meals per day, small portions with two snacks in-between meals which consist of fruits.  I do not eat bread anymore or starchy foods. I stick to meat and vegetables. You may not like it at first but your body will get used to it. I have not had any fast foods in over 4 months now. This does not mean I do not treat myself once in a while.
Let us get one thing straight treating yourself does not mean you are treating yourself everyday but a treat is something you get when you feel you have deserved it. So if you have been to the gym for a whole month you deserve a treat.
Losing weight is not always about looking sexy but it is also about looking after your health.  It all starts with you. If you can think it you can achieve it.
Why wait if you can start today in changing your life around. If you say you will start next month it will always be next month. (Trust me I speak from experience)

Take control of your life and make a difference.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Taking control of your life.

I can’t remember the last time I decided to share a piece. I guess I have been so caught up with life’s challenges that I forgot to have a second to myself to share my thoughts to my lovely bloggers.
I have come to learn that in life we meet people that will either build us or break us but it is up to you to decide how you will handle those people.
Starting a new job beginning of the year I met this young lady. She had this crazy attitude to life which I must admit in the beginning I really thought she was hyper active Lol.  As months passed we got so close that I started treating her like my little sister. When one was down we would motivate each other to hang in there because we knew our goals in life that we were striving for.
Recently she was involved in a car accident. The day I heard the news I felt like my heart was about to fall out of my body. I was in shock but didn’t think she would be in a bad condition.
She had been in hospital for two weeks now and I didn't have the strength to go and see her until recently. On my arrival at the hospital seeing her in that bed brought tears to my eyes.  I could not hold my tears and cried by her bed side.  I held her close and said thank you God for saving her life for it was not her time yet.
A couple of weeks ago my brother was also involved in a car accident. A car came out of nowhere and hit him while driving back home. He was hurt but God said it was not your time. I guess these incidents have taught me that when the devil and those who have so much jealously against you want you to die if you have faith and know that God is with you, nothing will come your way.
I thank God for saving their lives and praise his name every day. Life gives us challenges that will test and build us for greater things to come. I do not know what my tomorrow has in store for me but my mother has always said to me, always says NKOSI DI THEMBE WENA (Lord I trust in you).
Sometimes when it feels like everything is falling apart it is actually falling perfectly into place. Have faith, something amazing is about to happen. I call that HOPE.
Some days are better, some days are worse. Look for the blessings instead of the curse. Be positive, stay strong, and get enough rest. You can’t do it all, but you can do your best, that is called giving it your best.
Sometimes we focus so much on what we don't have that we fail to see, appreciate, and use what we do have, that to me is being thankful.
Never throw in the towel, just use it to wipe off the sweat - then keep going. No matter how slow you are going your still overlapping all the people stuck on the couch that is never giving up.
You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analysing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can pick yourself up, acknowledge your strength, appreciate the lessons learnt and move on  #movingOn #strongerThanYesterday
Yes things happen in our lives but we have a brighter tomorrow awaiting. It’s not important how hard you fell but the most important thing is that you had the strength to get up again.

Stay blessed..